For many people, the idea of hearing loss causes worry and fear. It can be an intimidating thought that you might not be capable of hearing your world, and the fear that can result may prevent many from seeking the help they need. However, anxiety about hearing loss doesn’t have to stop you from getting […]
Usually, the first stages of hearing loss advance slowly. You may find yourself asking your daughter to repeat something, dismissing it as mumbling or background noise. But when this occurs, you begin to think that you might be starting to develop hearing loss. Understanding the sounds associated with hearing loss can help you identify potential […]
It may be a surprise to many people that roughly 20% of all ear infections happen to adults. The common idea is that ear infections are something that usually impact kids. Ear infections are certainly more common in children but adults do get them too. Ear infections can be particularly unpleasant for individuals who have […]
In the past, we referred to them as “books-on-tape,” a term that feels almost archaic today. With the advent of CDs and, more recently, digital streaming, the term “audiobook” has become the norm, and rightly so. Audiobooks offer a contemporary, convenient way to enjoy literature, transforming the experience of reading into one of listening. Take […]
Many individuals have strong memories of a beloved family pet. Our lives can be enriched by many types of animals including; dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and birds. In many cases, they are our close companions. Quality of life and symptom management for people who have hearing loss can also be improved by having a pet […]
For professional musicians, hearing isn’t just a sense, it’s a critical part of their art and livelihood. However, many musicians still think that hearing loss is just an unavoidable consequence of practicing their craft. This is both an antiquated and harmful frame of mind. Luckily, this detrimental attitude is being challenged by growing awareness and […]
Online shopping is a typical thing for most people these days. From household needs to high-tech gadgets, the Internet offers an endless variety of products, including hearing aids. At first glance, it might seem like a good plan to buy hearing aids online, particularly when they come with an attractively low price tag. However, though […]
If you find yourself struggling to fall asleep because of disruptive noises, earplugs might provide a simple and effective answer. By inserting a pair of earplugs before bed, you can significantly reduce or completely block out sounds that otherwise interfere with your ability to sleep. Getting a restful night’s sleep is vital for your overall […]
We can expect some particular health changes as our family members age. One of the most common problems they might face is hearing loss. As reported by the National Institutes of Health, around one in three people between the ages of 65 and 74 experience some level of hearing loss. This number goes up substantially […]
Most people think that as they age hearing loss will be inescapable. In truth, damage from repeated exposure to loud noise is also a leading factor. Every exposure to loud noise, whether at a concert, mowing the lawn, or through loud earbuds, accumulates over time, leading to permanent hearing loss. Preventable hearing loss isn’t confined […]